2024-04-03 21:12:35 +08:00

68 lines
1.8 KiB

import requests
from moyanlib import jsons
from tqdm import tqdm
import dill
import os
from .util import dirs, console
def getSourceID(url):
return url["id"] # 取前八位
class Index:
def __init__(self, indexurl):
self.packageList = {}
self.IndexURL = indexurl["url"]
self.number = 0
self.priority = indexurl["priority"]
def addPackage(self, name):
self.packageList[name] = "1"
self.number += 1
def getIndex(url):
req = requests.get(url["url"]) # 请求HTML
HTMLIndex = req.text
ClassIndex = Index(url)
console.print("🔍 Parsing HTML index...")
for line in tqdm(HTMLIndex.split("\n")):
# 提取并筛选标签
line_list = line.split(">")
if len(line_list) > 1 and "<a " in line:
package_name = line_list[1].split("<")[0]
ClassIndex.addPackage(package_name) # 添加包
console.print("Total number of packages:", str(ClassIndex.number))
console.print('📚 Saving index..."')
ClassIndex, open(f"{dirs.user_data_dir}/Index/{getSourceID(url)}.pidx", "wb")
def getAllIndex():
SourceList = [
SourceList = jsons.load(
open(os.path.join(dirs.user_config_dir, "Source.json"))
) # 加载源列表
if len(SourceList) < 1:
console.print("❌ [red]You have not configured any sources.[/red]")
for source in SourceList: # 遍历源列表
console.print("📚 Downloading index from", source["url"] + "...")
console.print("✅ [green]Index downloaded successfully![/green]")